I created this Ink/Watercolour painting for the juried art exhibition at the Surrey Art Gallery presented by the Arts Council of Surrey. The Theme this year is “Reflections on Canada” in celebration of Canadas 150th birthday. I was overjoyed that my Artwork was accepted and included in the show!
This is the Artist statement for this piece entitled “Growing Extraordinary Together”
We are celebrating Canada’s 150th year as a nation, but I could not talk about the future of Canada without acknowledging our roots – that is how the tree metaphor was born. I have represented the heritage of our indigenous people by using shapes that represent a raven, an important part of the creation narrative for many First Nations people, in a style based loosely on Haida Art (with utmost respect). Shaping the trunk of the tree is the British and traditional French flags representing the early settlers and recognizing the history and struggles leading to the birth of the nation. The branches are the flags of the provinces and territories we know today and the leaves of the tree represent our culture and it’s future; from the First Nations, Metis and Inuit people, to flags for the heritage of people who immigrated from all around the world, symbols for different political affiliations, religions, genders, LGBT, people with mental health issues and disabilities. What will keep Canada extraordinary is our ability to celebrate the individual no matter who they are, and to work together for the greater good, not just for our sake but for the whole planet.